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Access management and contractor management in offshore

Access management and contractor management in offshore
Access management and contractor management in offshore
Written by
Sebastiaan van den Nieuwendijk
Published on
7 juni 2024
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The world of offshore is a special industry with very specific challenges. Offshore extraction of oil, gas and wind energy; this is where work takes place where only the highest degree of safety suffices. For the employees and contractors involved and for the continuity of the operation. The access policy to sites must therefore be 100% well regulated. In addition, the access policy must be compliant with legal frameworks and safety requirements. Think, for instance, in the field of labour law or compliance with ISPS standards. What does this mean for the security policy at hybrid sites that are in full development? We asked Cedric van Riemsdijk, Business Manager at YIM. ;

Access control according to legal frameworks

Offshore assets are vulnerable due to their hybrid nature. They have to cope with the security challenges of both ship and shore facilities. Offshore sites are often located far from the mainland. So if an incident occurs, it takes a long time to get people on board. That makes the prevention piece very important. Cedric van Riemsdijk: ‘On the one hand, the offshore market is so special because you are very vulnerable; you are at sea or just stuck in one place. You have to deal with extensive laws and regulations when it comes to deploying personnel and third parties and providing safe access to these hybrid locations. So it is an extremely complex interplay in which you have to organise a lot from a security perspective, but also from a legal and regulatory perspective.’

In all large companies, especially those working with hazardous materials or sensitive information, it is a challenge to get security and access right. In offshore, this is even more true, says Van Riemsdijk. ‘In offshore, it is easier to keep unauthorised people out than to deport them once they are unwanted on board. So high security awareness and effective initial access procedures are necessary. Deploying integrated digital security solutions are essential in this regard. At the same time, you want a proactive access policy that complies with all Labour Law or ISPS regulations. Employees and contractors must have fast, safe and easy access to the site to avoid unnecessary delays and maintain continuity.’

Allseas' access management

Companies in offshore are responsible for who goes on board, and therefore also if there are people on board who should not be there. That is therefore one of the reasons why Allseas, an international player in large, technically complex and technological offshore projects, chose Nsecure's solutions. Allseas was looking for a flexible, uniform and future-proof solution for access management and contractor management. Nsecure implemented the access control solution ‘AEOS’ and the workflow & identity service ‘YIM’(Your Identity Management), focusing on the sign-in and accreditation process for contractors and visitors. The concept meets all requirements, including a link to Allseas' ERP system for time registration. The chosen solution is now proving its added value and the concept has been rolled out across the sites. Registrations, authorisations and accreditations are now faster, safer and compliant with laws and regulations.

Identity management for high safety levels

Companies like Allseas have safety as their top priority. They aim for zero incidents and that means they expect a high level of safety from all employees and visitors. You achieve this with an identity management solution for contractor management like YIM, Van Riemsdijk points out. ‘The access process must be able to provide quick answers based on a number of security considerations. You need to know for sure who you are giving access to, who that person really is and whether he or she has the necessary rights. By storing certificates and documents in a personal digital file, visitors get the green (or red) light to enter or not to enter the location more quickly. This will save you a lot of time in the access process and avoid high fines for not complying with laws and regulations.’

Efficient turn around

Besides daily operations, large offshore companies occasionally have a turn around: a maintenance period during which a site is completely shut down to carry out maintenance or repair or inspection work. ‘During such a period, many different contractors arrive on site, then you need to be able to go through the access process quickly. Then it is extra important to automate access management, thus saving a lot of time but not compromising on safety, security and compliancy. There used to be serious queues to the platform to let all those people in in a controlled way. Did everyone have the right certifications and documents to perform work? This whole piece has now been digitised. Through the YIM access management platform, all these people are checked and registered in advance and access can be granted quickly. All required documentation is stored via a personal digital file and checked for expiry dates. Thanks to the e-learning module, visitors and contractors can watch safety or instructional videos prior to their visit, which again saves time and increases awareness.’ 

The art of control

Every organisation is different. That is why Nsecure sees access control and security as a masterpiece where no brushstroke is wrong. The right balance between optimal security and hospitality requires customisation. The result: improving quality, controlling costs, providing for ‘continuous improvement’ and sustainability.