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Security solution with IT-first approach for UWV

Security solution with IT-first approach for UWV
Security solution with IT-first approach for UWV
Written by
Sebastiaan van den Nieuwendijk
Published on
24 mei 2024
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(Photo: UWV/Studio Oostrum)

Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV) provides nationwide implementation of employee insurance, such as the WW, WIA, WAO, WAZ, Wazo and Ziektewet. They also provide labour market and data services. To continue providing their services securely and efficiently also in view of increasing flexi-working, Nsecure and YIM have migrated all offices to a central environment for access and security.

Security as a Service

In 2018, UWV put out a tender for integrated security solution for all sites. Cedric van Riemsdijk, Business Manager at YIM: ‘This process was approached from an IT-first approach. IT-First means that, as specialists, we consider the IT and technical components integrally and put our customer's interests first. We build the IT landscape from the functionality, security and privacy point of view and select the hardware to match.’

From decentralised systems to a single integrated solution

UWV was facing a fragmentation of access control systems. Each location was using a stand-alone solution. UWV technical security portfolio holder: ‘Previously, if you wanted to visit another location as an employee, you first had to apply for authorisation for your new place of employment and/or request a visitor's pass from reception to enter the location. As a result, UWV staff could not move freely between the different office locations’.

In addition, UWV has started to look differently at working location independently. One no longer needs to travel to Amsterdam when living in Alkmaar. Working at a location close to home should be easier and encouraged. Working with a central access control system was therefore necessary.

Security, Facility and IT: inseparable

UWV was looking for a solution what would ensure that the entire process around access control would be centralised, modernised and at the same time linked to the HRM system. And it all needed to work seamlessly, from the cloud. Senior project leader UWV: ‘People do everything in the cloud these days, the world is growing towards it and for us this was also a conscious step towards the future. We were looking for an IT-driven solution for our access and security. The striking thing about this was that at some point a discussion arose as to whether the journey with Nsecure cut across the IT plane or the facilities plane. Experience now tells us that security, facility and IT form a triangle that only strengthen and complement each other.’ 

The art of control for UWV

Together with UWV, Nsecure committed to a fast, proactive and integrated approach and knew how to provide tailor-made advice based on knowledge and experience. Senior project leader at UWV: ‘We were looking for a long-term partner. A party with knowledge and expertise at the highest level in the field of access control and security. We found this at Nsecure. We look back on a good period in which we really achieved great results together. 

In two years' time, Nsecure accommodated all systems of the various locations - each with a stand-alone system - under one umbrella system. This integrated solution is managed in the Nsecure cloud. Thanks to the integrated solution, Nsecure has established a central landscape for security, facility and safety. Employees can now move more freely and flexibly between different locations. Also, there is now a central point where one has insight into the rights of employees and/or visitors. This ensures a pleasant daily flow and labour relief for the reception.

The total solution contributes to:

  • A manageable security environment from the Cloud and higher level of security
  • A security policy that fits the future of UWV and hybrid working
  • Employee access is centrally and easily managed
  • Time savings for reception staff because there are fewer ad hoc requests for authorisations and access